Environmental Professionals Radio (EPR)
Environmental Professionals Radio (EPR)
Writing, Science Communication, and Undersea Research with Dr. Ellen Prager
Welcome back to Environmental Professionals Radio, Connecting the Environmental Professionals Community Through Conversation, with your hosts Laura Thorne and Nic Frederick!
On today’s episode, we talk with Dr. Ellen Prager, Marine Scientist and Author about Writing, Science Communication, and Undersea Research. Read her full bio below.
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2:51 Nic & Laura talk about Nic becoming an Uncle
7:12 Interview with Dr. Ellen Prager starts
12:04 Writing
21:13 Science Communication
28:30 Undersea Research
32:19 Field Notes
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This podcast is produced by the National Association of Environmental Professions (NAEP). Check out all the NAEP has to offer at NAEP.org.
Connect with Ellen Prager at linkedin.com/in/ellen-prager-5932824b
Guest Bio:
Dr. Prager is a marine scientist and author, widely recognized for her expertise and ability to make science entertaining and understandable for people of all ages. She currently works as a freelance writer, consultant, and Chief Scientist for StormCenter Communications, Inc. She was previously the science advisor for Celebrity Cruises in the Galapagos Islands, Chief Scientist for the Aquarius Reef Base program in Key Largo, FL, which includes the world’s only undersea research station, and at one time the Assistant Dean at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Dr. Prager has built a national reputation as a scientist and spokesperson for the earth and ocean sciences and is a sought-after speaker for public-oriented events. She has appeared on The Today Show and NBC News, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, CBS Early Show, The Weather Channel, in shows for the Discovery Channel and was a consultant for the Disney movie, Moana.
Dr. Prager has participated in research expeditions to places such as the Galapagos Islands, Papua New Guinea, Caribbean, Bahamas, and the deep waters of the Florida Reef tract. She obtained a BA from Wesleyan University, Connecticut, a MS from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, and in 1992, a PhD from Louisiana State University.
Music Credits
Intro: Givin Me Eyes by Grace Mesa
Outro: Never Ending Soul Groove by Mattijs Muller
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